




Pneumatic Pump Controls

Product recovery is often controlled by a hydrocarbon detection probe which activates a remediation pump through a controller when hydrocarbons are encountered.

Pump controllers rely on sensors to ensure that only water or only LNAPL are extracted by their respective pumps.

Pressure Transducers & Control Probes Pressure Transducers

Geotech offers a variety of transducers for applications in gas and vacuum, or for sealed gauge and absolute application models. They are used for groundwater monitoring, remediation pump control, landfill pump control, and many other applications.

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Geotech GECM Pneumatic Pump Controllers Remediation System Control Panel

Pneumatic pump control systems for operating down well pneumatic pumps. Geotech offers control modules with a wide variety of capabilities for controlling environmental remediation equipment. Systems can be configured to operate up to eight (8) wells per module. Site-specific needs can be met on an individual basis from a single flexible platform.

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Remediation System Controller

Lo-Pro Controller