




Rental Groundwater Level & Flow

A basic measurement in groundwater studies is that of water levels in wells. Water level measurements help determine flow directions, identify changes in gradients and seasonal fluctuations. They are also used during aquifer testing, and measurements related to groundwater sampling.

The measurement of the groundwater level in a well is often conducted in conjunction with groundwater sampling to determine the “free” water surface. Groundwater level and well depth measurements are needed to determine the volume of water to be purged or in monitoring drawdown in the well casing for low flow sampling.

Geotech Water Level Meters Geotech ET Water Level Meter

Geotech designs and builds electronic water level meters – This type of instrument consists of a spool of dual conductor wire attached to a coated steel measurement tape, a sensor probe attached at the end, and indicator electronics. When the probe comes in contact with groundwater the circuit is closed and a light and audible buzzer attached to the spool will signal contact. The meter uses a 9 volt battery as the power source. Accurate measurements can be made to 3mm (1/100 of a foot).

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Geotech Interface Probes & Meters ORS-Style Interface Probe

Oil-water interface probes monitor wells for the presence of separate phase product prior to purging.

An interface probe is an electronic probe designed to detect the electrical conductivities of different fluids to determine the depths to LNAPL/water interfaces. This data is used for site characterization studies to determine remediation strategies and monitor current remediation efforts.

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Geotech Colloidal Borescope Geotech Colloidal Borescope

Colloidal borescope systems provide a direct means to accurately determine groundwater velocity, flow direction and particle sizes at depth-specific intervals. The colloidal borescope yields thousands of data points per minute for hours of statistically assured data. The borescope measurements use existing monitoring wells for assessment and thus avoids the cost of additional wells and piezometers.

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Water Level Measurement
Eno Scientific Well Sounder 2010 Pro

Eno Scientific Well Sounder 2010 Pro

The Eno Scientific Well Sounder 2010 Pro is a portable sonic water level meter that uses sound waves to measure static water levels in wells, piezometers, and boreholes. The instrument features an internal data logger that can be configured to log manually or automatically at time intervals. If there are known defects in the well, the Well Sounder Pro can be set to ignore interferences.

Simply place the sensor into the well vent opening and within seconds static water depths are displayed.

  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Calculates drawdown and recovery rates
  • Immediate data capture
  • Extended 2 GB non-volatile memory – time & date stamped
  • Power save mode
  • Remote communications available

Call 1.800.833.7958

Eno Scientific Well Sounder 2010 Pro Specifications
Eno Scientific Well Sounder 2010 Pro User Manual

ET at Well      ORS Style IP at Well

Water Level Logging AquiStar PT2X

Instruments that are ideal for long-term monitoring. Water levels can be collected at user-defined time scales without making individual manual measurements.

  • Small size allows water levels to be measured in wells or piezometers that are of small diameter, crooked, angled, or that contain pumps or other equipment.
  • The data logger can be left unattended for prolonged periods until data can be downloaded to a portable computer in the field.
  • Some pressure transducers with integrated data loggers are small enough to be placed inside the protective well casing and do not require a separate shelter. Good for high visibility, secure, or below-ground installations.
  • Downloaded data can be imported directly into a spreadsheet or database.
  • Can be interfaced with a DCP to transmit data collected via satellite for near real-time data reporting.
  • Can be installed in a flowing well.

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Liquid Volume & Flow Instruments Global Water Flow Meter

Geotech supplies a complete line of instrumentation and accessories used to measure fluid flow-rates and total-volume in either closed conduit or open channel applications. Users can select from attended meters where data is collected real-time or unattended long-term deployments where data is securely stored onboard the flow device. Data stored onboard can easily be downloaded directly from the device or coupled with Geotech’s SitePro Remote Telemetry system for instant data access anywhere, anytime.

SonTek Doppler
SonTek FloTracker 2

SonTek, advancing environmental science in over 100 countries, manufactures affordable, reliable acoustic Doppler instrumentation for water velocity measurement in oceans, rivers, lakes, canals, harbors, estuaries, and laboratories. SonTek instruments use sound waves to measure how fast water is moving, where it is moving, and even if it is not moving at all. SonTek customers are scientists, engineers, hydrologists, research associates, water resource planners and anyone that needs to collect velocity (speed) data in every kind of body of water.

Geotech is a SonTek representative in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

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